Using the Library

The Grand Ledge Area District Library is happy to serve our community! We hope your time spent with us, both online or in the library is helpful and enjoyable!

What if I don’t know what book I want?

You have options.  Give us a call at 517-627-7014 and tell us what sort of things you like – we might be able to give you some suggestions.

Also, we have several lists of recommendations on our home page and our Bestsellers & More webpage and our catalog has more lists to tempt you.  See a title you like, click on Recommendations to learn more about the book and get even more suggestions.  Our Kid’s Catalog has lots of series, chapter books and categories to choose from — all with friendly book covers for our younger readers to make choosing easier.

What if I want an item that GLADL doesn’t have?

With your GLADL Library Card you have access to MelCat — which has over 40 million items from nearly 400 school, public, and university libraries across Michigan delivered to your local library for you!  If the items is less than 6 months old or just not available at another library we really encourage you to submit a purchase suggestion to us.  We love to hear from patrons and try to do our best to fill requests.

How do I return books and other materials?

Our bookdrop is open.  We will also have return bins available for use in the library.

How do I access the internet?

Wifi: Wifi is available throughout our building and outside into the parking lot.  Look for “GLADL-Public” in your internet connections.

Workstations: Patrons and guests are able to use the computer workstations in the library.  They have been moved to provide more space between patrons.  We do more cleaning between users as part of our best practices for library usage.

Hotspots: The library loans FREE mobile internet hotspots for 14 days.  Place a hold on one or call us at 517-627-7014 for availability and more information.

Can I print, copy, or fax documents?

  • PrintingWe offer black & white laser printing and color laser printing.
    • Black and White: $0.15 / pg
    • Color: $0.50 / pg.
  • Photocopies — Our copier makes black and white copies at .10 a page
  • Faxing  — Faxing is available for $2 for every 4 pages.  

Can I reserve the 1931 Room?

The 1931 Room can be reserved online.  All State and Health guidelines must be followed in regards to indoor social gatherings.  Please see our Building Policies webpage for more information and to access our online reservation system.


Online Library Sign-up — 

Please be aware that this temporary card will expire in 21 days — please come into the library to pick up a permanent card.

From a Desktop Computer or Tablet — You can click directly on our online registration site: Get a Temporary Library Card Online

From a Phone —  From our Library Catalog, please click on Desktop Version, and then in the upper right hand corner — click on Create Account.  Go to our Library Catalog mobile site

We look foward to seeing you at the Library!

More information about getting a Library Card

How long can you check out an item, renewals, and loan history

Gift and Donation Policy

Damage and Replacement Fees Policy

Library Materials Selection Policy

Library of Things Lending policy and agreement

Public Signage Policy

GLADL 1931 Room Policy    

Room Details

  • 40 black padded chairs
  • 12- 6′ work rectangle tables
  • 20 children’s small green plastic chairs
  • 2- 6′ low children’s rectangle tables
  • 6 wooden chairs
  • 2 – 4′  vintage wood library tables
  • 1 whiteboard w/ markers
  • 1 screen
  • 1 LCD projector/podium/AV cart

Reservation Fees [payable at time of event or before by cash or check]:

  • For-Profit: $35
  • Non-Profit and all other individuals and groups: $7.50

Reservations are being accepted for the 1931 Room

Reserve the 1931 Room 

The Study Room is available on a first come first served basis.  We have a variety of study tables and workspaces available for patron use.

Step #1:   Place items on Hold from our catalog and choose Pickup: Curb Service as your Pickup Location.  Please give us at least 4 business hours to get your items ready for you.  

Not sure what you want or Need help placing a Hold — Call 517-627-7014 and we can assist you.  We are here to help!

Step #2:   Call the Library when you are ready to pickup your items to arrange a pickup time.  We will check out your items and have them ready.

Step #3:   When you arrive at the Library — Call us from your car — 517-627-7014 and we will come out to your car.  Pull up to the Pickup Location alongside the Parking Lot entrance of the Library

The Library now has 10 Outdoor Lockers for contactless hold pickup!

Step #1:   Place items on Hold from our catalog and choose Pickup: Lockers as your Pickup Location.  Please give us at least 4 business hours to get your items ready for you.  

Not sure what you want or Need help placing a Hold — Call 517-627-7014 and we can assist you.  We are here to help!

Step #2:   We will checkout your items to you and give you a call and let you know they are ready.  You have 48 hours to pickup your items.

Step #3:   Come to the library — the Lockers are located right next to our Parking Lot entrance.  Scan your library card or enter the last 5 digits of your library card.  Your locker door will open automatically.  Retrieve your items and firmly close the locker door.

Would you like to check out books, but getting to the library is difficult or impossible for you? Are you a friend or family member of a senior or someone with mobility issues? The Grand Ledge Area District Library is joining the growing number of libraries adding this service for our patrons in need.

For more information and to complete our online form visit our Books by Mail website.

Ready Set Read!

There are simple things you can do to help keep yourself and others healthy.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing; going to the bathroom; and before eating or preparing food.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Avoid handshakes.