Our Summer Reading Program has concluded!
This was our biggest Summer Reading Program, as well as our biggest Finale, to date!
- For Ages 0 – K; 7,140 books were read!
- For Grades 1 – 12; students read for 5,472 hours!
- Adults turned in 547 logs with reviews, which will soon be added to our catalog!
- 1263 carnival coupons were turned in for games/treats! We estimate about 550 people were in attendance!
- We had 19,516 checkouts (June 1 – July 31)!
- And lastly we had 3,066 folks attend our SRP programs!
Many thanks to all of you, we couldn’t have done it without you! And congratulations to our 12 Grand Prize Winners, we hope you enjoy the baskets! GLADL Reading Challenges begin August 22 – This year’s theme is “Dino-ROAR into Reading!”

Thanks to our sponsors for great Instant Win & Grand Prizes!
A & W
Edru Skate-A-Rama
Biggby Coffee
In Good Hands Massage Therapy
Peppino’s Pizza
Impression 5
Sun Theatre
Comets Nutrition
Dart Bank
GL Rotary
Lickity Split
Pizza Hut
Quality Dairy
Texas Roadhouse
Flour Child Bakery
Brad’s Hair Studio
Ledge Craft Lane
Toad’s LLC
Deadtime Stories
Tap House Boutique
Friends of the Library
Taco Bell
Zap Zone Laser Tag
Potter Park Zoo
Pam’s Pantry
The Salvage Yard Antiques
Macdowell’s Flower and Gift Shop
David J. Harkema, DMD
Hi Salon
Corner Cone
Why Is Summer Reading Important?
Sure, the GLADL Summer Reading Program is lots of fun—but it’s more than fun. Reading over the summer helps your imagination take flight, and is incredibly important for students and their academic achievement, from preschool to grade three and beyond:
- Children who don’t read over the summer experience summer learning loss, forgetting some of what they’ve learned during the school year. Worse, the effect is cumulative– children who lose reading skills over the summer may be up to two years behind their classmates by the end of 6th grade. Children actively participating in a library Summer Reading Program gain reading skills and increase literacy.
- The Summer Reading Program encourages kids to read whatever they want, to enjoy reading for recreation. Studies show children who read for fun often academically out-perform children who don’t.
- When families engage in summer reading together, they have meaningful conversations, share adventures and experiences while also making an impact on their child’s learning.
- The Summer Reading Program and all of its associated activities are FREE– safe, engaging, educational opportunities for all ages, all summer long!
For more about the importance of summer reading for our children, follow the link to an article from School Library Journal. For an impassioned statement about libraries, reading and daydreaming for adults by Neil Gaiman, read this article from The Guardian. Thanks to the Madison Public Library and ed.gov for contributed material.