April is Citizen Science Month!
Come join us at GLADL as we use our eyes and ears to help log 1M data points in April!
We are working with SciStarter.org to make it easier for everyday people to connect with scientists to make a difference. Join us April 1-30, 2024 as we aim to make a collective impact of One Million Acts of Science during Citizen Science Month! These Acts provide data and information to help answer questions scientists cannot answer alone. Nobody knows everything but everybody knows something!
Attend an online or in-person event or join a project to play games that accelerate medical research, analyze online images to help make discoveries, share pictures of nature to help scientists spot biodiversity trends, use your smartphone to monitor your environment…and much more! These all count as Acts of Science!
You can participate as an individual, with your friends and family, with your school, library, or organization, etc…from anywhere in the world! Just find an event or project that interests you and get involved.
GLADL has events, science kits, take home crafts, and more!
Solar Eclipse Glasses – UPDATE 4/8/24 We are OUT of Eclipse Glasses!
Get ready– pick up a pair of FREE Eclipse glasses for safe eclipse viewing of the TOTAL Solar Eclipse April 8, 2024! While supplies last. (Recommended Ages: 3+ with adult assistance)
Take Home Craft Kits
Families can make a fun craft or flex their science muscles at home with our Take Home Craft kits. New kits available while supplies last on April 5th & April 19th.
Early Literacy Activity Table
Try our monthly manipulative activity fror ages 0 – 5 that supports Early Literacy! April’s activity: Use our wooden blocks to build structures!
Science for All Ages & Every Interest!
SciStarter.org is the place to find, join, and contribute to science by providing people access to more than 2,000 searchable formal and informal citizen science research projects, events, and tools. The SciStarter website also offers a dashboard or coordinated place for members to track and earn credit for contributions across citizen science projects and platforms.
More than 150,000 people are registered members of the SciStarter community. The SciStarter team includes educators, faculty, librarians, programmers, instructional designers, communicators, and scientists, all focused on improving the citizen science experience for everyone.
The Eaton Conservation District focuses on natural resource problems and solutions. Our services include protecting groundwater, watershed planning, woodland and wildlife improvements, soils information, stream bank stabilization, conserving and restoring wetlands, providing tree seedlings, conservation books and information workshops. The Conservation District serves as the link between the landowner and local, state and federal governments and conservation organizations.
Check out a wide variety of events from Fruit Tree pruning workshops to Adopt a Stream to Celebrate Earth Day
GLADL’s Library of Things contains not only fun science kits so patrons of all ages can be citizen scientists to help contribute data for on-going projects, but will help them learn more about coding, electronics, and electricity.
The Library received a grant from SKPL and IEEE to offer real science equipment like a sky meter, air monitor, and the tech for kids to learn how things work with hands-on activities in science – and that is what sparks a kid’s interest!
The MSU Science Festival is a free festival for lifelong learners of all ages!
The Festival is a free annual celebration of science, fueled by some of the basic elements essential to scientific inquiry: curiosity, wonder, and discovery.
With events for the whole family to enjoy, the MSU Science Festival explores topics ranging from the ordinary to the extraordinary. From astronomy to music, and chemistry to microbiology; scientists and educators across the state are eager to share the wonder of science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics.
Exciting April Events!
Make Glittery Bouncy Balls | Monday April 1 | 6pm – 7pm | Ages 5+
Hear a story, learn STEAM science about chemical reactions, and make a glittery bouncy ball to take home!
Solar Eclipse STEAM Science Night | Wednesday April 3 | 6pm – 7pm | Ages 3+
Eclipse stories, science, crafts, FREE Eclipse glasses, and more! Kids take home a science book too, while supplies last.
Become a Citizen Scientist! Bio Blitz | Thursday April 11 | 6pm – 7:30pm | Ages 12+
Find out how you can help scientists by gathering information and contributing to thousands of research projects. Would you like to help scientists all over the world gather information and participate in important scientific research?
We’ll start at the Library and learn about the Sci Starters program, and then walk to Island Park to participate in a Bio Blitz! Take part in a scavenger hunt, and learn to press plant specimens. Learn about bugs and visit with our visiting bugs from MSU.
No matter what your interests are, find out how you can be a part of thousands of important research projects. Visit Scistarter.org to learn more.
Stall Catchers Catch-a-Thon | Wednesday April 17 | 6pm – 7:30pm | Ages 8+
The Stall Catchers project was designed by Cornell University to advance Alzheimer’s solutions. Your keen eyes can help by playing a simple game on our library laptops. No experience needed!
Earth Week Open House! | Wednesday April 24 | 5:30pm – 7pm | All Ages
Tree & seed giveaways, visit a worm farm, see how water moved through the ecosystem, “earth friendly” crafts, and more!
Color Changing Playdough | Monday April 29 | 6pm – 7pm | Ages 5+
Make some amazing, coloring changing playdough to take home using heat sensitive pigments to dye the dough.