DVD Player — Portable

DVD Player — Portable

Portable DVD Player Enjoy movies anywhere with this handy portable player! Check Availability Enjoy your movies anytime, anyplace! The portable DVD player features a 9″ LCD screen for your great viewing experience.  Player comes with a compact built-in...
LCD Projector

LCD Projector

LCD Projector Useful for meetings or family gatherings! Check Availability Have a meeting coming up and need something to show a presentation? Want to play games or show movies on something bigger than a TV screen? This projector is what you’re looking for....
Memory Care Packs

Memory Care Packs

Memory Care Packs Activities and books to spark conversation and provide recreation -- geared for those with memory disorders Check Availability Checkout: 3 weeks — Available for all ages These bags are filled with books, games, fidgets, therapy putty and other...
MP3 Player

MP3 Player

MP3 Player Quick and easy storage for books, music, and more! Check Availability MP3 players allow the user to play music, podcasts and so on anywhere. Music is easily stored and managed on the MP3 player, including skipping tracks or, on some models, arranging...
Portable Scanner

Portable Scanner

Portable Scanner Make digitizing documents and photos easy! Check Availability Useful for scanning documents and photos.  Easily connects to your computer or laptop or checkout a Computer Access Bundle from GLADL.  Using your own device, you will need to download...