Reading Programs

Seasonal Reading Programs at the Library

The Grand Ledge Area District Library strives to support developing and continuing literacy skills. We offers a variety of programs intended to promote reading to Grand Ledge area children. Some take place at the library while others occur outside the library within the community.

Paleo Joe Summer Reading Program

Summer Reading Program

June 1 – July 31

The yearly Summer Reading Program is a way to keep your kids reading throughout the summer. Each year has a different theme and features events and prizes based on that theme. Kids can keep track of their reading in special logs (received after registering) and then turn those logs in for prizes as they are completed. The library also hosts special events and guest performers during SRP.


Winter Watch – Play & Win!

January 3 2023 – February 17 2023

Lights, camera, action! Stay warm & cozy up with movies, binge boxes, and TV series this winter! Pick up your Watch Card at the library (plus a bag of popcorn to enjoy with your movies), then check out some of our DVDs/BluRays to enjoy during chilly nights. When you turn in your completed Watch Card, earn a trip to the prize bin for “instant” prizes. One card per person, per visit please.

Battle of the Books display

Battle of the Books

January – Early March

Battle of the Books is a winter reading program for kids (grade four and up), teens, and adults. Teams of 4-5 people read the five selected Battle books and then compete to see who knows the most about the books. The books selected are suitable for young readers, but will appeal to all ages of readers. Offered in cooperation with the Delta Township District Library.

Brown Bag Books display

Brown Bag Books

August 1 – 31

Every August, surprise brown bag wrapped books are available for check out. The idea is to check out the wrapped title without looking to see what the book is until you get home with it. It is an opportunity to broaden your reading horizon by trying books and authors that you might not otherwise choose. About half of the bagged books will contain a paper ticket that can be turned in for a small prize. The wrapped books are labeled only with their barcode and the appropriate age reader (age 0-Kindergarten, Grades 1-2, Grades 3-6, Young Adult, and Adult).