Request Books, DVDs, Books on CDs

Resources available at your local library, delivery to your school as well as access to millions of items from across Michigan

Connect to the GLADL Catalog

Find great books, CDs, or DVDs — links to our online materials too!  If we don’t have it, search MelCat and request it from one of our partner libaries today.

Search MeLCat

MeLCat gives you access to 34 million items from over 430 libraries statewide.  Request books, DVDs, and Books on CDs. Delivered within 5-7 days.

GLADL Book Finder

We love to pick out books for patrons!  Know the title or author you want — we are happy to pull them off the shelf.  Don’t have a title in mind — no problem, tell us what you are interested in and we can choose some titles for you.  Give us a call at 517-627-7014 OR fill out this handy request form and give us at least 4 business hours and you can pick up your next favorite read!

More Resources

Connect to GL Comets Media Centers

Find your school’s online media center.

Delta Twp District Library

One of our nearest library neighbors.  Check out their collections, online programs & services.

NoveList Plus  [Provided by Mel]

NoveList Plus: Looking for your next book? Want to find a new author that’s similar to a favorite? Can’t remember all the titles in a series?  Just look for the area called “Read-alike Recommendations.”  Includes teacher resource “Teaching with Books.”

KDL What’s Next

Trying to figure out what comes in next in your favorite series? KDL has an easy to search place to find your answer.