Library Board Trustee Vacancy
The Grand Ledge Area District Library is looking to fill a partial term vacancy on the Library Board. The term ends December 31, 2024. Please note the seat will be up for election in November 2024. If you live in the library district (City of Grand Ledge, Oneida Township, and parts of the Grand Ledge Public School District) and are interested in serving on the Library Board, please submit a letter of interest.
Letters will be considered beginning November 8, 2023.
Candidates should address the listed preferences below and state reasons why they believe they are qualified to serve on the Library Board.
The Grand Ledge Area District Library Board meets regularly on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7pm (no meetings in July, August, and December).
The Library Board is responsible for oversight of the library including budget, policy, and the hiring of the Library Director. For more information about being a Library Trustee from the Library of Michigan.
Questions? please visit our website or contact Library Director Lise Mitchell.
Please send your letter to:
Board of Trustees
c/o Lise Mitchell, Library Director
Grand Ledge Area District Library
131 E. Jefferson
Grand Ledge, MI 48837
Preferences & Expectations
Candidate has:
- Experience, knowledge or training as a member of a governing board, or comparable experiences with issues that confront an organization like a public library (i.e. budgets, strategic planning, stewardship of resources, policies).
- Experience, knowledge or training to add to the diversity and understanding of the Board.
A Trustee will:
- Give time and talent to the library; schedule permits participating in monthly meetings, special library functions and other community events at which the library is promoted
- Read board minutes and other materials sent out before the board meeting
- Be informed about all phases of the library operation
- Serve on committees as assigned by the board president
- State one’s views on important issues, speak openly/directly with other board members and navigate conflict
- Preserve and promote the library as a public forum for the sharing of information and ideas without prejudice
- Lend expertise and leadership to the board for the good of the library and the patrons it serves
- Be an advocate for the library