Explore the World

A to Z the USA

Information on all 50 STATES, territories and U.S.A. in general.
large-scale encyclopedia of US state and country information. State information is arranged into 103 editorial and image datasets for each state. Topics include history, geography, demographics, education, food and recipes, government, crime, maps, media outlets, symbols, sports, and more.  All illustrations are easily copied to Google docs and Fast Facts are great for doing school reports and trivia nights.

How to login:

From anywhere with your library card

A to Z World Food

Over 6,000 RECIPES from over 174 countries!
Contains traditional recipes for 174 countries of the world in all course categories: appetizers, soups, salads, breads [try Puftaloons from Austrialia!], main courses [or Tamales Cubanos from Cuba!], side dishes, desserts, and beverages (including World Beer Reviews!).  Pick a country, learn about how they eat — Do they use spoons? What are their favorite ingredients? Each recipe shows prep and cook time needed and you can easily search for recipes that meet special dietary needs like vegetarian, vegan, or gluten-free.

How to login:

From anywhere with your library card