Tax Forms & Preparation Assistance

Online Access to Tax Information 

Local — Lansing Tax Forms

State — State of Michigan Taxes

Federal — Federal Tax information

Form 1040 is used by U.S. taxpayers to file an annual income tax return. To begin filing your Taxes online visit the IRS Filing Website.

Many people will only need to file Form 1040 and no schedulesHowever, if your return is more complicated (for example you claim certain deductions or credits, or owe additional taxes) you will need to complete one or more of the Form 1040 Schedules. <More information>

FREE Tax Preparation Assistance

Three ways to have your taxes done for FREE*

VITA options

Paper Copies at the Library

Federal — 1040 & 1040 SR (instruction booklets and forms)

State– MI-1040

Lansing — L-1040

VITA Scan n' Go

February 3 — April 3  Come in and have your tax documents scanned at the Library — takes about 30-minutes to complete the process.

Service Available Monday & Thursday 10am – 12pm and Wednesday 6-8pm

Starting Jan. 27 — Call 211 to schedule an appointment

How does this work?

Bring your tax documents to the Library so we can scan them into the VITA our tax software. An IRS trained and certified volunteer will complete and electronically file all federal and state tax returns and forms remotely.

If you are required or qualify to file a city tax return, it will be prepared for you to drop off or mail in to the appropriate recipient.

You will view and sign your tax return electronically.

Am I eligible?

Singles or married couples (with or without children) with incomes below $60,000 are eligible for the Scan N Go service.

More tax assistance options — A secure, do-it-yourself service available for individuals and families and all services are available. — Get help from an IRS-certified volunteer to prepare your tax return from the safety of your home  Chat option is available for questions