OverDrive / Libby
OverDrive has a wide variety of bestsellers and classics in fiction and non-fiction in eBooks & audiobooks
Brought to you by GLADL
Overdrive has a wide variety of bestsellers and classics in fiction and non-fiction in eBooks, audiobooks, and now MAGAZINES! Borrow 10 items at a time with Libby, OverDrive’s app for phones and tablets. Checkout is for up to 21 days.
There are four collections/portals to make it easy to steer you to the right content.
- Overdrive main collection has everything for all ages.
- Overdrive Kids is full of great read-to-me, chapter books, and titles for Elementary readers. You can search by subject or reading levels.
- Overdrive Teens has collections ready for 7-12th graders with great suggestions and the ability to listen or read samples of any of the books.
- Overdrive Magazines offers over 3000 full-color digital magazines for anytime, anywhere reading on any device. Our collection includes both new and backlist titles with no holds, and no limits. Magazines are not counted toward your checkout limit!
Download Libby today!
Where can I get more help? I'm getting a error message?
For detailed walkthroughs and help with more technical questions related to the Overdrive website or the Libby app or if you if you are getting a strange error message at any time while using Overdrive/Libby, you may find a quick solution by searching at help.overdrive.com or help.libbyapp.com.
What Happens When My eBook or Audiobook is Due? How Do I Return It to the Library?
When your eBook or audiobook is due, it is immediately returned to the library. You don’t have to worry about returning it or any late fees. You can return your item early if you are finished with it; this will allow other patrons to check out and enjoy the item. To return an item early, please refer to the steps on this page for Overdrive (website) or on this help page for Libby (app)
If I Place a Hold on an eBook or Audiobook, How Will I Know When It’s Available?
Libby sends a variety of messages via notifications through the app. You can change which messages you receive in your app settings. Never miss a hold again. For more info about Libby’s notifications.
Once your hold is ready you have 72 hours to check-out the book or you have the option to defer your loan to a later date. Deferring is a great way to keep your place in line while managing your reading bookshelf.
Why Can’t I Find the eBook or Audiobook I Am Looking for? or Why do I have to wait for a copy? Can't you just make another?
GLADL strives to buy the titles that you want to read. That is not always possible due to the publisher restrictions. If we do not have a title that you are looking for, you can always suggest a purchase. We will be happy to consider purchasing a title for you if it is available.
GLADL purchases a license for each copy of an eBook or audiobook in our collection. The license rules varies depends on the title and often only one person can borrow a copy at a time. We do buy more copies based on demand, so make sure to place a hold if you are waiting for a title. Some copies are available for multiple users.
You can recommend a purchase on the Overdrive website when you find isn’t currently owned or via GLADL purchase suggestion webpage — please be sure to indicate you are looking for an ebook or e-audiobook. Thanks!
My Library Card Has Been Replaced. Can I Still Use My OverDrive Account?
If you have replaced your library card, please let the library know that you are using OverDrive eBooks and audiobooks immediately. Your OverDrive account is connected to your card number. When your card number changes, GLADL must notify OverDrive in order to transfer your checked out titles and hold. Please call 517-627-7014 or email questions@gladl.org