Penworthy steam to go! Green energy kit
Young engineers learn about energy and promotes hands-on exploration of energy concepts.
Checkout: 2 weeks by patron who is 18 years or older
Our world runs on energy and the Green Energy kit teaches kids about alternate energy sources that are clean and renewable. The kit introduces young engineers about energy and promotes hands-on exploration of energy concepts. Kids will be introduced to solar, wind and geothermal power and encouraged to build over 125 different projects using alternate energy sources.
Interest Grade: 4+.
Kit Components:
- Snap Circuits® Green Energy – Get a hands-on and entertaining introduction into what green energy means. Snap together projects designed to illustrate green energy options.
- 40+ Parts
- 125 Projects
- 1 Instruction Manual
- 1 “Think Green” Educational Manual
- Book: The Future of energy by M.M. Eboch.
Make and Take Popsicle Stick LED Flashlight Kit
Make your own simple LED flashlight to keep. Making a DIY LED flashlight is a great project because it allows you to learn basic electronics concepts while creating a useful tool.
1 flashlight kit included per checkout
Kit made possible through support of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) – Region 4 and Science Kits for Public Libraries (SKPL)